
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in CO, MS, AZ, GA, OR and IA

Nationally Board Certified Counselor (NBCC)

PsyD in Organizational Leadership

Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)

AZ State Board Registered Clinical Supervisor

Doctor Meaghan Rice

about me

Dr. Meaghan Rice here! I’ve been helping people transform their lives for about a decade. I’ve been so humbled by what I’ve learned, I wanted to pay it forward. Amidst building rapport and forming a therapeutic connection, we reached a place in therapy where we realized, together, that their tribes were giving them signals about their personal struggles that they just kept overlooking. It’s hard to see warning signs of incongruence between values and current behaviors without an outsider perspective! 

People valued having healthy partnerships, but they weren’t investing in them, or people valued positive parenting, but they didn’t see the value in loving themselves first, or people valued having a job they were passionate about, but they were unwilling to experience discomfort to explore alternative options.

Sure, being alone has its value, especially for those introverts that recharge by themselves. The tricky part is that independent from how we recharge, we don’t actually learn anything about ourselves until we mix and mingle with others. It’s the point at which our paths cross with another that the true work begins.

So, I started to shift my work. It became less about individual hurdles and struggles or the symptoms and more about what their tribes were telling them about themselves. Now, I’m not talking about gossip or absorbing other people’s opinions to make them their own. Nobody has time for that. I’m talking about the observable behaviors from their tribe that literally screamed at them that something was off.

For me, home was safe. My home was so safe that I wasn’t really prepared for the hurdles that everyone else would throw my way. Others quickly gave me indications that something was wrong right out of the starting gate, but it’s taken my lifetime to understand what their warning signs meant for me. So, I get it. I’ve been there trying to navigate the murkiest of waters right along with everyone else and I can’t wait to share how my personal experience ties into my professional teachings.


 Better lives. Building tribes